The following graph shows code size and performance statistics for the
MicroPython project. Every revision is checkout from the git repository,
compiled and executed, with the results plotted below.
You can get the raw data here.
The left y-axis scale is number of bytes, the right y-axis scale is
pystones. The date on the x-axis is only approximate.
If a given revision does not compile or execute then the data for
that revision is copied from the previous revision. This is why
there are some flat regions in the data.
size_unix is the unix/ port compiled on an x86 system with:
size_minimal is the minimal/ port compiled for a Thumb2 architecture with:
make -C minimal CROSS=1
pystones is Pystone(1.2) executed with argument 300000 using the
above-compiled unix port. It is executed 5 times, the smallest
and largest samples are excluded and the remaining 3 samples are
averaged to get the result.